Monday 2 May 2022 | 1 min read
What is nbn® TC-4 and TC-2?
Written by Aussie Broadband, Editorial team
nbn® Traffic Class 4 (TC-4) is the standard delivery method for general internet and data services across the nbn® broadband access network. TC-4 enables traffic across multiple access technologies, including fibre to the node (FTTN), fibre to the basement (FTTB), fibre to the curb (FTTC) and fibre to the premises (FTTP), and provides asymmetrical bandwidth profile with ‘best effort’ contention for non-critical applications, such as web browsing, email and streaming.
nbn® Traffic Class 2 (TC-2) provides a higher performance delivery method for data and network services that requires consistent, predictable upload and download speeds. TC-1 enables a symmetrical bandwidth profile and provides a committed information rate with 1:1 contention and high-level guarantees around frame latency, jitter and loss characteristics. This is ideal for voice, video conferencing, e-commerce and business critical data services.
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Aussie Broadband
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