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What is the Integrated Public Number Database (IPND)?

Last Updated: Thursday 19 Sept 2024

Every phone service in Australia (including fixed phones, VoIP phones, and mobiles) is stored in the Integrated Public Number Database.

When you sign up for a public phone number such as a home phone or mobile number, the provider for that service is legally obligated to register the user’s information on the Integrated Public Number Database (or IPND for short) under the Telecommunications Act 1997.

What details are registered to the database?

The information we’re required to provide to the IPND when starting or transferring a phone service includes:

  • Name

  • Phone number

  • Current address

  • Directory listing type*
    *we register all users as ‘unlisted’, unless requested otherwise

What is the IPND used for?

Access to the database is protected by strict regulations, so the IPND is primarily used by Triple Zero (000) to identify your name or address in an emergency where the operator may not be able to get information during the call.

Some other parties may access the database – but the information available to them is limited, so they cannot see your full address.

Some other examples of why this information be accessed include:

  • For the purpose of directing your call when ringing a business hotline, such as a 13 number or a taxi service

  • To publish to a public directory such as White Pages® (where a ‘listed’ entry has been specifically requested)

  • By non-commercial research organisations where the study relates to public health, electoral matters, or government policy

Can I opt-out of directory listing?

Unfortunately, no – due to legislative requirements, these details need to be provided to the IPND Manager (Telstra).

In the best interests of our customers’ privacy, we only provide the mandatory information required to the database – known as an unlisted entry. If you wish to change to a listed entry (accessible by more users of the database), please contact us to update your registration.

Keeping your details up to date

It’s critical that all phone providers keep their users’ IPND registration updated.

See the instructions below to update your details in MyAussie or Carbon:

Otherwise, Aussie customers can request for their details to be updated by calling our Customer Service team on 1300 880 905, or by emailing [email protected].

Additional Information and Resources

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